

We want you to succeed !!

The Orange County business referral group is a networking group. Our purpose is to increase sales and new business opportunities for our members.

You may or may not succeed in selling your product or services to a fellow member… but your real success will come from being exposed to all our referral group member's contacts. This "one degree of separation" can mean you're going to make an imprint on over a thousand other businesses a month.

To create a steady stream of new business leads and tips means members must be aware of what other members do - and be constantly asking themselves how each contact they meet might need the services or products of the other group members.

That is a big task to take on! When you meet with someone, besides your own objectives of the meeting - you must stay alert and aware of opportunities for other members that might exist with the contact.

How do you do this?

Much of your success with our new business group will be making certain that every member understands exactly what you do and how customers benefit from your offerings. You will have opportunities to make presentations to the group, you may also invest in your own Member Profile page, and you will hand out collateral marketing materials. Your best results, however, are going to come from "one on one" interactions with other members - where you achieve these three things:

  1. You establish a personal relationship, or "bond," with the business referral group member,
  2. You effectively convey to them what you do and who your typical prospects are, and
  3. You also understand your associate member's products and services… and their market - as well.
Some of this occurs when we get together every second week - but the bulk of it happens outside of regular meetings.

When you meet with a member, build upon the quality of the relationship. Learn as much as you can about the other person and focus your thoughts on their good characteristics. People like to do business with people they like. This is an undeniable fact. What is said next goes both ways.

  1. Make sure each of you clearly understand the other's product or service offering in some depth.
  2. Become aware of the traits qualified prospects for the other member's offering will have.
  3. Using a "benefit" statement - determine a "best way" to mention your associate's service to your contacts.
  4. Periodically review each Member's Profile (on this website) or their website - if they exist - to "reinforce."
That said, how else can you market yourself to your fellow referral group members? So far, we've acknowledged your opportunity to make a group presentation and stressed the importance of interpersonal relationships.

What else?

Consistency is a big part of success. You're trying to make a good impression on the rest of the group. You must make enough of an impression so they remain aware of you - and are motivated to help you find good, solid business prospects.

By regularly attending meetings - you demonstrate that you "are always there" - which implies you "are always in the game." To group members, this translates to reliability and professionalism. Remember - you need to convince referral group members to "work for you" - as your sales force. They'll be more inclined to do this if they trust you to remain in the group for the long run... and trust you to really contact the leads they provide. You do this by demonstrating consistency and professionalism.

What else? Handle each lead like you are interacting with one of their children. They have gone out on a limb to recommend someone (You!). Your courtesy and professionalism in dealing with their leads will reflect favorably upon them. They recommended you - so leave a good impression on that prospect… even if it is obvious that nothing is going to come of it for you.

Thank your member associates when they provide a lead. Each lead is like a "gift" - something that says "I've been thinking about you." Let them know you appreciate the effort and value their contribution to your assured success.

Return the favor. Leads flow both ways. Make it part of your week to "remember" that you are also working for someone else when you're out in the field. Think of that someone else as someone special (They are!) who deserves your best efforts to guarantee their success.

A good way to keep your associate referral group members in mind is to review the "Our Members" web page every Monday morning or Sunday night. Give the list a quick scan and, if time permits, click through to one or two Member Profiles each week, if they have one. Print the Profile and lay it on the front seat of your car. Glance at it again during lunch… and that ought to be enough. You'll know more about them and have something to talk about when you see them at the next meeting.

Networking is mostly art and just a little bit science. If you are outgoing and enjoy being around people - much of this will come naturally. If you find it awkward to strike up a conversation, you are not alone.

Look at your participation in the Orange County Business Referral Group as an opportunity to sharpen your social skills while also getting paid for it. Don't hold back. You'll have to work at it - but eventually, what once made you feel awkward and uncomfortable will become a source of fun and enjoyment in your life.

As a member, you are part of "the family." Nobody is looking for an excuse to criticize you. Everyone wants your success. Interact and socialize with your associate members and learn what if feels like to be a winner - as a member of the Orange County Business Referral Group.

